why i love christmas...
the cheesy christmas t.v movies/ my little tiny christmas tree/ getting the corners perfect on my christmas wrapping/ spending too much money on the perfect christmas cards/ hanging out with family, and seeing those that i only see once a year/ candy canes/ TURKEY DINNER!!!!!!/ the food drives, the toy drives and all the people that go out of there way to help those less fortunate/ the children and there absolute excitment/ mulled wine/ hanukah dinner/ andrea coming home/ time off work/ christmas carol's/ crisp cold frosty mornings/ decorated houses/ advent calenders (even tho i dont have one this year)/ remembering christmas as a kid (i used to get into bed with my grannie at like 4 in the morning and we would lie there and try to see if we could hear the reindeers on the roof)/ the loads of laughter/ spending tons on solan (cause really he's the only kid in my life... with a full understanding that children are the most important thing)/ feeling sad that im not there to spend it with him but knowing that he will be super excited when he gets a special package in the mail/ the little oranges/ eating waaaayyyyy to much chocolate/ attempting every year to enjoy fruitcake, eggnog and mrs. ramsays christmas pudding and failing miserably (bless her)/ santa in the malls (even tho i do think its a little creepy old men with childrens on their knees)/ having a whole new year ahead/ hot dykes in santa hats.../ and my FAVORITE part is the looking forward...
At 9:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Again! I don't know if you'll see this comment since it's not on the most current posting. Anyway, I just loved the part about hopping into bed with your Gran and trying to listen for the reindeer hooves on the roof. Please give her my love and wish her a Merry Christmas...a Very Merry Christmas to you and all your family!!! See you soon!
XOXOXO! The Femme's Anonymom (I like that...makes me sound like a spy or something)
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