The L Word Blues.
The third season of The L Word was suppose to come out on Tuesday. I ran around like some sort of maniacal lesbian trying to find it. i nearly slaughtered the pimply faced dude at HMV when he told me that perhaps??? NEXT tuesday would be the day. i should have know it was too easy when the other pimply faced dude at HMV told me that 'yes they did have it on order and that yes it would be in on tuesday'. i should have known better. HMV didn't have it, Future Shop didn't have it (i mean what about MY future with Shane??), A&B Sound didn't have it, Little Sisters obviously didn't have it (i am DONE with that store!!!), and i even checked Videomatica and they didn't have it. WTF!!!!!???? it was probably around this time last year that i purchased Season Two off of Amazon cause i got fed up with waiting for actual stores to have it in... like Little Sister's... Vancouver's only queer bookstore that hypothetically caters to our community. i realise that its not their fault that the Canadian distributers are morons and can't figure out how to secure the rights BUT COME ON!! at least when i call i wanna hear the person on the other end of the phone TRYING to help me.. i DON'T wanna hear 'um. i don't see it on order here. um. do you know when its coming out??' um. yeah. i do. TODAY!!! IT'S FUCKING OUT TODAY! we finally have a mainstream television show about US. but we can't watch it. its just dangling there... teeeasing us. so i'm waiting till' tuesday of next week and then i'm gettin' it off Amazon. yes. this is one of the most exciting things in my life. yes. i'm upset about it, and yes. you. should. care.
At 8:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had the same problem with season two but I was trying to rent it.. I had managed to get my two straight sisters hooked on the first season and from then on in it was my official lesbian sister duty to go in every week for a year and ask if they had it.. I probably should have done the smart thing and bought it online along with season one but noooo I had to be an idiot. When I did finaly get my hands on it, everyone dropped everything and we power watched the season it took us two days that is with showering, meals, washroom breaks, and other adult duties. In the end I'm now on the search for season 3... I should just buy it, I'll save gas money and my pride.. My sis's had the hot for Marlina and now it's all about the Shawn... Do you think they're gay? Or just really secure with their sexuality? I'm just hoping they stay straight I don't want to have to compete with them cause I know I'll really lose then.
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