almost exactly half way there...

so last night i went to this meet and greet thingy at a coffee shop on 'the drive'... cause part of the reason that i wanted to live in that neighbourhood was to involve myself a tad more with the queers that live on that side of town. so i'm trying to do that as much as possible before i vacate the area. so i go; knowing that i'm probably only going to know and *know* not really in the true sense of the word... this is like the third gathering that i've gone to since living in the neighbourhood... and you know i do give kudos/props/whatever to the folks that organize these events but i don't know if i've just become more sensitive over the years or what?? but i always leave ending up feeling judged and frankly a little pissed off. i feel as though there is a serious lack of genuine energy at these events. i want to clarify what the word genuine means to me. it means that you possess the alleged attribute that you put forth into the world. the energy that you give out is what you take in. ok. now. obviously this is not with everyone AT ALL (i have connected with a few folks that i feel have been genuine) and i have thought about this on other levels as well... for example: i've asked myself the following types of questions "how am i coming off?" "am i being hostile or stubborn or pushing forth an undesirable energy?" i don't think so?? but i do know that when i feel nervous or uncomfortable my defense mechanisims that have become really close friends of mine will sometimes kick in. please keep in mind that i'm attending these gatherings with no intent of picking up or getting laid... only to meet new people and make new connections. not being a real fan of the bar/club scene i thought these gatherings would be a good idea. was i wrong?? anyways.... i wasn't planning on going onandonandon about this the point of this diatribe was to tell y'all what happened at the end of the gathering. at home (before i left) my roomates said that they were planning on going for a walk later and did i want them to come by the coffee shop and we could walk home together... and then we started talking about how it would be funny if they arrived and did something silly like collar me or something... and state boldly that the three of us had a 'date'. i totally didn't think they would do it.
they did it.
in full PVC gear. with a collar and a leash. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahaaaa... i saw them coming down the street and my eyes popped out of my fucking head. they walked into the coffee shop threw the collar and leash around my neck and marched me outta there!!! hahahahahahahahhahaahahaaaa.. it was fuckin' hilarious!!
so much for peppermint tea.
15 days left.
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