here we are. first flog her in my new home. all is well and so far so good and all other fitting euphemism's. firstly it must be stated that i absolutly, 100%, completely and abundantly adore this neighbourhood. a few examples of this adoration might include... walking up 'the drive' and hearing voices behind me that seem to be singing something along the lines of "blahbalhlalalatheneighbourhood!!, blahblahlallal the neighbourhood!" i turn around to see Kinnie Star and a friend balanced on their peddles riding up the street and singing at the top of their voices. another example has to do with the concert i attended on wednesday night. the concert itself was great... Doria Roberts, Ember Swift and Lyndall Montgomery (who should be noted as being my new object of affection).... fucking stunning. anyways. the key component here is that i went out for breakfast the following day and the muscians and all of their incredibly attractive friends were also having breakfast... i was too shy to talk to the new affected object.. but i had a small chat with Doria Roberts and told her that i thought her show rocked and how i had just moved into the neighbourhood and was about to go home, unpack some boxes and listen to her album.
beauty. do you see? syncronicity folks. beauty.
power. power dynamic's.
me i'll test your limits while you test hers while she tastes yours while i watch her testing my limits while she... the cats.
dynamic within structure.
like a small nation we malign particles.
beauty. do you see? syncronicity folks. beauty.
power. power dynamic's.
me i'll test your limits while you test hers while she tastes yours while i watch her testing my limits while she... the cats.
dynamic within structure.
like a small nation we malign particles.
At 8:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I miss you! But you are not so far away! I think that little ol' Vancouver has a little bit of New Yorky to it! Neighbourhoods. Real neighbourhoods, with soul filling experiences in every one! The people I know who live in your neighbourhood might move...but never out of that neighbourhood. I'm glad that it has greeted you so heartily! How is Bobby adapting?
Hope to see you soon, but, in the meantime, enjoy!
XOXOXO!!!! Anonymom
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