Rubyfruit Jungle

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Today is truly my favorite day of the year. The day where I celebrate all the women in my life and all those that have come before us to allow us to have what we do today. Some people celebrate Remembrance Day (okay celebrates a weird word) but for lack of a better one, I celebrate today. International Women's Day. For all the women who have fought for equality and justice and for those of us who continue the fight and for those who will pick up where we leave off this day is for you. I Thank you. I live in a better world because of you and I know that I am truly blessed. I have always been granted the gift of having amazing friends in my life. I know it is because I need you and this journey would not/could not be completed without you. Most of these friends happen to be women but for those of the other gender or those of no gender at all this day is for you too. So lets celebrate and continue the fight!!!


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