Rubyfruit Jungle

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

What year are we in again?

Sometimes I just can't keep the passing of time straight. Sometimes I even think I'm living in the wrong century. Let me tell you why. Every morning when I get to work I skim the front page of the Vancouver Sun to see if there is anything pressing that needs my attention right away, there's normally just the usual: a few ignorant comments made by some jack-ass MP, missing children, something about Michael Jackson's face, and if we're lucky an uplifting story about someone in the suburbs saving a neighbor's dog in an apartment fire. But lately I am sure everyone has noticed the abundance of news on the same-sex marriage debate. Today the headline on the topic really took the cake.

Conservative M.P Jason Kennedy said today that he thinks its okay for gays to marry as long as they marry straights. He also adds that its okay to discriminate against homosexuals because not everybody has to be treated the same under the charter of rights and freedoms. I'm beginning to wonder if he's read the charter and if he understands at all what it means .Jason says " marriage is by definition about a potentially procreative relationship. As much as two people of the same sex can love each other, as much as they try... They don't have the potential to procreate or raise children". I guess Mr. Kennedy is unaware of the powers of the turkey baster. Last time I checked all you need to have a baby is an egg, sperm and a lot of love. Two women= Two men= Sperm= Egg= Love. I thought we were living in 2005. I thought we had moved past this.

I am going to by Jason a copy of Heather Has Two Mummies and deliver it personally.

With a turkey baster.


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