in a million little pieces...
oh... james frey, what an absolute disapointment/ i still think the book is a good one but FICTION not memoir/ i was incredibly taken with his story and i still am but what a JERK!!! i watched him on Oprah yesterday he didn't say much/ was mostly quiet and i was like SPEAK UP YOU CLOWN! talk!! this is your chance to tell millions of readers why you decieved them/ why you LIED/ you liar/ i dreamed about it last night/ amongst many other things/ burning buildings/ drug deals gone wrong/ hiding in tiny crawl spaces to get away from gun fire/ love/ dead dogs/ boats and water/ and i woke up thinking... what about all the addicts/ and i know there were many, many who read his book, BELIEVED in his book, took comfort in his story and felt that he gave them something to hold on to/ and what then are all those people to believe now?? folks that chose to begin the long process of beating their addiction/ and to the publishing house/ Doubleday/ it's not like they are a tiny three person operation??? CHECK YOUR FACTS/ before you publish something that you market as Memoir/ memory/ MY memory/ check your facts/ after having such an emotional response to his story i feel decieved.../ and i know i have a lot of feelings/ and i do/ especially about the love story/ ohhhh, the LOVE story/ don't fuck with me when it comes to a love story/ lily/ see, i would have fallen in love with her too/ fucking with someone's memory is insulting and amoral and shoulden't under ANY circumstances be done especially when it's done for dramatic effect/ poor, poor judgment.
At 2:42 PM,
tippingthevelvet said…
and so he should. he disappointed a lot of people. i hope he learns from it and then writes another book cause he does have tons of talent.
what do you mean by conquered??
At 8:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I want to leave a comment, but I haven't finished the book yet, so I'm having trouble understanding why everyone feels so betrayed. So far, his images give people who don't know what it's like to come off drugs the closest approximation to the insanity and horrific pain of how it feels and is... I'm confused as to what people were investing in personally. Did people really believe that anyone who was coming off drugs could remember in any linear way, moment by moment, day by day, what was going on? Let me tell you...that is not reality.
The other part is that the only people I know who have been able to stay clean have used the 12 Steps. I don't know any other way. Were people hoping there was another way? They didn't want to take the personal responsibility and f-ing hard work that the 12 Steps require? They demand absolute honesty and nothing less - I only hope he can find that and stay clean. He is an excellent and compelling writer. Hopefully, he can learn extreme and rigorous honesty from this experience. And maybe Oprah can tone it down a bit.
Those are my least a couple of them.
At 12:56 PM,
tippingthevelvet said…
thanks for your comment anonymous. i ADORE comments...
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