i think i had a glimpse of why i do what i do and why, my real love, my only true love is the theatre/ last night i remembered/ the house was full so i had to 'listen' from the dressing room with my ear pushed against the dressing room door/ this was a blessing/ first to have a stuffed house and second to be backstage during performance/ the energy that the theatre exudes/ when the elements come together/ is magic/ it doesn't even matter what the final product is/ the theatre creates the magic on its own as a seperate entity/ it just is what it is... and that is a glorious thing/ Hamlet, said it best: as 'twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue, her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of time his form and pressure'./ the actor in me screamed/ she wanted out/ out/ out...
About Me
- Name: tippingthevelvet
- Location: Vancouver, B.C, Canada
i don't like profiles. they make me feel like i'm wanted by the FBI.
Previous Posts
- trying to try me over the past few days/ coiled an...
- in a million little pieces...
- weeeeeeeeellllllll/ its still raining and i honest...
- rain, rain, go awaaaaaaaaaaayyyy, come back NEVER!...
- shane is the bane of my existence
- Oh shane you are no bane.
- The Gender Anarchy Project
- merry christmas everyone...
- a million little pieces
- christmas songs for the mentally disturbed...
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing so vividly what it feels like to be backstage. My only personal experience is from the "other side" as viewer...which I adore...and your description helps me to understand where some of the energy for the performance is created. No wonder live performances are so magical! Thank you!
Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!
...the femme's anonymom XOXO!!
At 5:23 PM,
tippingthevelvet said…
awww... thanks for all your well wishes girls!!! i love you all tons!!
and, anonymom you are my hero!!!!
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