I am bedinning( ahoy, the double entendre/Freudian slip) to love your comments. I am going on my blog to read your comments instead of write. yikes.... A tree uh?? A little bit scary, but interesting? Was it raining? If it was I bet I was growing...upupupupupupup.
and you are so right, WAY to many women are taken from us and are six feet under. It pales me and I think about them a lot. I know how blessed we are and I cherish that. I have just recently become intuned to the writing of Pat Lowther. Just one of the gifts of working at such an incredible store; the intunment to all these women. Her husband was jealous of her work, gifts, light, love, children, friends, sex, beauty, and all that she contained and beat her to death with a hammer, one blow for each pang of jealousy. He left her body in a gorge by her house. The same gorge that she wrote at and came to often for little pieces of serenity. He told her children she was out. He was convicted of her murder and died later in prison. Enough with the gory details; we must focus on her work, and her contribution to poetry.
I am off to the farmers market now to buy cherries and English peas.
and you are so right, WAY to many women are taken from us and are six feet under. It pales me and I think about them a lot. I know how blessed we are and I cherish that. I have just recently become intuned to the writing of Pat Lowther. Just one of the gifts of working at such an incredible store; the intunment to all these women. Her husband was jealous of her work, gifts, light, love, children, friends, sex, beauty, and all that she contained and beat her to death with a hammer, one blow for each pang of jealousy. He left her body in a gorge by her house. The same gorge that she wrote at and came to often for little pieces of serenity. He told her children she was out. He was convicted of her murder and died later in prison. Enough with the gory details; we must focus on her work, and her contribution to poetry.
I am off to the farmers market now to buy cherries and English peas.
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
'Bedinning'... is that like a night of dining, dancing and humping?
Slip of the lip. What a trip, yesterday was, bring-ring-ringing me right back to this day. Wanted to call you. Sales lady helping me buy sexy shirt, brought camosile, (can't even spell it), saying your 'girlfriend' will like this... was i still exuding pherAmones? Told her no girl as of other day, rest are far away BUT i only know how to take those off, i never put them on.
wrong wrong, it would be a drag for me to wear it.
She too has scars from cars but three plates in her head, and 233 stitches, later i thank creator that i have so little and i only creak when it rains.
i'm happy like my bunny, hoping around that you like my comments and don't feel invaded. penetrated, exasperated, articulated to frustrated. sublaxated like my pelvis.
coz this bloody war has got me up at night, feeling all that and then some.
i wonder... is the other 'a' the sauerkraut?
my 'ema' (that'd be mum to you english types) just rang me. My aunt who's only a full year and 17 days elder than me but taller ( the tall tall tree where i kissed you) as we grew, so much taller in fact, that when refusing to share my tomboy toys with her, she clobbered me over the head with her fist, as the goose egg erupted my trucker's mouth exploded... guess who was grounded? and totally dumbfounded?
i was the butch to her frills, dark to her light yet she taught me to ride a bike.
and now this weekend, another of her years is coming to an end. so off on the ships with their broken cotter pins, i must go. oh no will i be safe?
the trip i love so much, yearned for as a youth becoz it got me out, out and away from the nite raids.
out on the sea which flows in my blood, centuries before the messiah was born... my people pulled from Poseideon's bounty.
Yet here is me, yearning for a loin cloth, because because i have a foot in each hemisphere.
Ancestors buried in both soils. the spoils of ancient wars. we lived.
Last night was so right to be with my two spirited friend. Not a white face in site the whole nite. I'm home, when i roam, where ever my feet shall lead me.
so in fact i ahve two home(s) and i get to land in one of those this weekend.
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
'hoping' around
hmm avoid freud, the little mutherphUker
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Because you love to so much.
A story for each day i'm away.
When lives first touch
All stone and want ing
Hearts shut as mouths open
Minds meld and
Hands clasp
Arms embrace
Lips test
Soul searches
Heart opens
Mouth shuts
Mind numbs
Hands explore
Arms hold
Lips bite
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
to read... a wish list.
Big, Big Love:
A Sourcebook On Sex For People Of Size and Those Who Love Them
-Hanne Blank
Dish It Up, Baby
-Kristie Helms
Venus Of Chalk
-Susan Stinson
On Our Backs: Volume Two
-Diana Cage
Best Lesbian Erotica 2005
-Tristan Taormino, ed.
That's Revolting! Queer Strategies For Resisting Assimilation
-Mattilda a.k.a Matt Bernstein Sycamore
Mortal Companion
-Patrick Califia
-Ian Philips
-Lynk Productions Inc
The Leather Daddy and the Femme
-Carol Queen
The Reunion
-Laura Antoniou
Brazen Femme Queering Femininity
-Chloe Brushwood Rose and Anna Camilleri
On our backs
-Lindsay McClune
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maya Angelou Caramel Cake
• 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, softened, plus more for greasing wax paper
• 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar, divided
• 1/4 cup Caramel Syrup (recipe follows)
• 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 cup milk
• 2 large eggs
• Caramel Frosting (recipe follows)
Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Line two 8-inch layer cake pans with greased wax paper.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter. Add 1 cup sugar gradually until light and fluffy. Beat in the Caramel Syrup.
In a medium mixing bowl, sift the flour, baking powder and salt together. Add the sifted ingredients to the creamed mixture, alternating with the milk.
In a separate medium mixing bowl, beat the eggs for about 3 minutes, until foamy. Add the remaining sugar and beat until there is a fine spongy foam. Stir into the cake batter until blended.
Divide the batter between the cake pans. Bake for about 25 minutes. Remove the pans from the oven. Gently press the center of the cake with a forefinger. The cake should spring back when the finger is removed. If it doesn't return to the oven for 10 minutes.
Cool the layers in the pans for 10 minutes. Turn out onto a rack and remove the wax paper. Let the cakes cool to room temperature before frosting.
To assemble, center one cooled cake layer on a cake plate. Cover the top and sides with a generous helping of frosting. Place the second layer evenly on the frosted layer. Repeat the frosting procedure. Make certain that the sides are completely frosted. Cool in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
Caramel Syrup
• 1 cup granulated sugar
• 1 cup boiling water
Heat the sugar in a heavy skillet over low heat. Stir constantly until melted to a brown liquid. When it bubbles over the entire surface, remove from the heat. Slowly add the boiling water, stirring constantly. Pour into a container and let cool.
Caramel Frosting
• 6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) butter
• 1 (8 ounces) package confectioners' sugar
• 4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) heavy cream
• 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
• Pinch of salt
• 1 tablespoon heavy cream or half-and-half (optional)
Brown the butter in a heavy pot over medium heat -- be vigilant or it will burn. Allow the butter to cool. In a large mixing bowl, add the confectioners' sugar, 4 tablespoons cream, the vanilla and salt to the butter and beat until smooth. If the frosting is too stiff, add a tablespoon of cream or half-and-half to thin.
Makes 8 servings.
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
my friend -E- told me why she loves Maya Angelou too.
once upon a time, A young Maya met a man.
Three days a week she would go to his place for a lil nookie.
One day she arrived early, to be greeted by a woman.
The woman who knew Maya's name, she knew her days.
Who is she Maya wonder?
Why I'm 'Miss Other 3 days'...
Maya left.
...and went home to cook for herself ONLy.
And guess what? She invented the best dessert she had ever concocted... to be share with no MAN. she swore.
-but i love Maya for loving the world.
Dear Dr. Angelou,
so many people today idolize hollweird celebrities and sports stars.
not me.
i dream of your courage and sweat.
for one day i hope to vibrate like you,
when my caged bird sings.
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