What I Saw
I was riding my bike home from the gym yesterday up Davie thinking about the little $450 kitties i just swooned over in the fish store on my way to get a booster juice when I made eye contact with someone sitting on the street. It took me a minute to register who it was but then she called out my name. I got off my bike and walked over to her. She said, carol I'm on the street I need $20 and I think I said something stupid like oh what's going on? When it couldn't have been clearer what was going on it was so clear in fact I felt like someone punched me in the stomach and screamed LOOK AT ALL YOU HAVE. She said look at me I wouldn't ask if I didn't need it. I looked at her and she was all marked and busted up I didn't have $20 but I gave her what I did have which was $10 not enough I know to buy what she needs. She took it and told me she loved me. She asked me if I had seen ____ lately I said no and something else stupid like how long have you been on the street. I told her I lived just up the street and she asked if she could come over. I lied in her face and said um no sorry I am having someone over for lunch. I said take care and rode away. And then I thought who am I to say no to her. She was in the cool group in high school the so called bad crowd I was in that crowd too for like a week. Who am I to say no she can't come over and have a shower I panicked I guess. I should have tried to help her and I also shouldn't have given her money and not because I REALLY don't have it but because she will just use it for drugs but again WHO am I to say NO she would just have to get it another way and I'm sure this way would be much safer. I could have been her anyone could have been her, just make a few bad choices get stuck on the wrong path. If I see her again I will tell her about the center maybe she's ready to get help. But I don't think it works like that. And isn't it nice that I can blog about this in my nice apartment drinking my booster juice.
At 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your experience touched me at a very deep level. I used to hate it when people said that each person had to hit bottom before they could get help. For some people, bottom is not so very far down, but for others it seems to be forever away. It is better that you did not take her in...it would not help her...people in their active addiction aren't available to help or gratitude.,,they are in a place of lying and thievery. To tell her about a center where she could get help is a wonderful idea! She needs to know that there is help out there and where it is. I know this. You were kind and loving and caring...that is the very most that we can give one another. One thing that I do sometimes in this situation is to offer to go get some food for the person. Although, I offered to take a young man grocery shopping one Saturday night in downtown Van. in response to his clamour for cash, but he wasn't interested...he became angry at me. The reality is that there is no good or bad way to get drugs...they all suck in the end! The truth is, I believe, that you can have so much compassion and also appreciation for enjoying your booster juice in your apartment. Thank you for saying yes to life!!! That is true gratitude!!! I'm so glad I got to see you last night! You are a joy!!!
Lots of love, the "femme's" Anonymom!
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