Rubyfruit Jungle

Sunday, April 03, 2005

for sommer...

Sommer this one is for you cause your so keen. ummmmmmmm. k lets see... last night had a lovely dinner with the girls at the eatery and it felt long over due. annnnddd beer and sushi is always a good thing. sacha and i then preceeded to rip shit up at celebrites and both of us realized that its just not the bar it once was and we can't figure it out. we danced though and had a good time and the h over was only moderate settled by a good greesy breakfast. i then came home and watched The Hours and it was cemented all the reasons why i love that movie. i really think its beauiful and i'm going to buy it. the story is brillently woven the charcters stunning and the acting is flawless. meryl streep especially, she really is a master of the craft. i then felt spent so i slept for 3 hours like a child really. i love napping and think it is a very underated activity. i woke up and watched I Heart Huckibees which i liked alot. sommer you are right. mark wahlberg was great. a nice surprise. it posed some good questions and was smart and witty. because really how am i not myself?

annnnddddddddd now is now and i am awake because of my baby nap. a good time to write. i write best either first thing in the morning or late at night, like most i think. i will end my special sommer blog with a quote from The Hours.

To look life in the face, always. To look life in the face.
And to know it for what it is; to love it for what it is.
And then to put it away.

Always the love, Always the hours.


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