
My dream girl walked into my dreams last night. I was sitting on the steps of my highschool( I seem to do that a lot in dreams ) caught in a web of lies; my own of course, and in she walked, and she was perfect, it was purrrfecttt. She saved me.
later in the same dream I was consoling Jennifer aniston but she wasn't jennifer anniston she was angelina jolie because of her lips, I kissed them. We did a dance number sailing past brad and what's his name and I was a great dancer and skinny of course
I was woken up by gwen stefani singing her lalalas wishing i could go back and sit on the steps of my highschool and wait for her to come in i don't much need saving but a little princely action is always a nice thing
but i got up instead and saw the two little men with their hardhats scaling the walls they look like the little playmobile men but much louder
off to the bookstore i go only two more days left........... in complete and utter denial. it sucks.
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
"(T)here were those who…were addicted to something she thought of as the Infilling; the compulsive
hankering to witness, to absorb, to taste human behavior in extremis; to embrace, to be filled, no matter how fleetingly, with the power of human grief, human rage, to do it over and over, to feel herself absorbing the madness of others, the commitment of others; the killers, the killed, the bereaved, the stunned, the liars, the fuckers, the heroes, the clownish, and the helpless; Jesse needing these people to come inside her, to give her life, a life; and she loved them for it."
-Richard Price (author), Runner
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