Rubyfruit Jungle

Sunday, August 07, 2005


I really dont have much to say or maybe its that I have much too much my own words are not really getting me off of late sometimes its just nice to lean on other people a bit and some are saying what's with the run on sentences carol haven't you learned anything no punctuation or anything and I'm like oh there's an apostrophe and its appalling me because who has time punctuation is important don't get me wrong I have to leave early by 6 days that's too many way too many I am running on save some money and make a move time for a change I don't know what I want how could I when each day the particles come together and tempt me with a new way and what is it what do you think that I carry around a black cloud and you pop back into my space like a thousand tiny bubbles popopopopopopoppop and I just want you to get out no non no stay stay a while and you did and it was nice until the umbrella went up and poked me in the eye and I thought you meant me well everything you say times two right well I create this sit at my red light and wait change it and make it will it I will you are you willing don't write that will yet baby cause you change with the shifting of the sun and who are you I have no idea and when I want to I'll find out fill in the empty spaces and crawl in like some kind of premature marsupial i'll find a way............................... in.


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