I could have learned to keep my mouth shut. For a minority community I would have thought I could be free to communicate and talk with people; about feelings, thoughts, prospects, desires. But no, I see that that is not possible. What is it? Is it that we feel so inadequate that we have to punish others on our daily travels I am tired of saying its ok it wasn't malicious fuck that people have to take some responsibility for there actions. Myself included. It took along time for me to open up and now I think it is better to just stay quiet because u never know who you are communicating with. Trust no one. It makes me very sad.( I don't really feel that way) I have always said I wear my heart on my sleeve I think I will just wear longer sleeves more often, ahhh my sweet, good thing summer is over. Meet inclined to repulsive drama like behavior. This. I will stifle my yearning for u because it is never any good, bratfilled candy coated apples. and its not even a yearning anymore.
I yearn for another now.
you ..... Know.... Who.... U.... Are. Thank you
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Gene Simmons' Rock School: the final band
They're only three weeks in and Gene Simmons and the kids have four weeks until their final exam .
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