a little bit of kinnie...

i resolve to find the truth speak words that carry/i resolve to find the truth speak words that free me/ and then my legs can move freely and the world doesn't bowl me over/ then i'm grown enough to see i'm 24... even more/ knocked down my share of doors/ ripped up my share of floors/ and now i've begun to/ i have begun to soar/ you see i was stuck but i got such good luck that i stepped the fuck out the frying pan/ see i'm a good cook, right man?/ chili peppers yeah i'll take em/ juicy birds alright i'll bake em/ make up a soup, yum yum so we all can move along move along like culture/ whats done is done, goodbye congestion/ now i've got just one simple suggestion: FORSAKE THE ANSWER RENAME THE QUESTION/ what lies deep enough not to be mentioned should be brought to the top to be spoken/ even though you may have been real heart broken/ feel like your brain and your bloods been soaking in a pool of regret/ you just haven't gone for your truth yet. right?
~ Kinnie Starr
At 10:56 PM,
tippingthevelvet said…
she rocks. shes been my main source of inspiration of late.
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