some thoughts on cat litter...

i find it really annoying that the front of my 'enviro friendly, made out of 100% organic materials, SAFE-FLUSHING, non-odor, your cats will love it' cat litter is basically the WORST litter i have ever used!! the worst! my bum is starting to itch and its getting in between my paws. i even made a horrible pee mess on purpose last night to see if my mom would get the point. she didn't. she just yelled at me and told me to 'walk it off'! so i did. i walked it off alright. right off on her new book that she's reading! and then of course i had to do the scratchy thing which tore a little hole in the cover of the book... ITS THE SMALLEST HOOOOOOOOOOOOLE!!! its not like its gonna change the story or anything! geesh. and then she told me that i should get a job and stop sleeping all day blahblahblahdeblahblah. whatever. she said she's gonna sue the litter people for false advertising.
she's at work now.
i think i'll sleep on her brand new pillows.
P.S. i hate that stupid sleeping thing down there. i don't know why she thinks its so cute??!! ugh. so undignified.