Rubyfruit Jungle

Friday, February 17, 2006


it was like seeing a ghost/ the way u walk with your shoulders slouched over your hips/ ghostlike/ your head covered in some-kind of protective gear/ sheltered/ i had almost convinced myself that you would be outside waiting for me/ dream's tell me what i already know/ whoever that was in my dream... that's who i want/ tho, male figured/ boichild/ maybe it's because spring's coming or because there's blood on the sheet/ street's/ but everything serves as a constant reminder/ orchid's at my desk/ i think lucy is jealous/ mnnmmmmm... sweet girl/ thank you/...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cupid was Ugly.

i THINK i saw the first tiny sign of spring this morning/ little blossoms on the tree's/ tiny pink and white blossoms/ i guess all that rain did do some good afterall/ it's too bad i feel so bloody stagnant/ BUT... i had an excellent birthday... good, good time's/ i coulden't ask for anything more/ once again i was reminded of how blessed i am to have such incredible people in my life/ thank you, thank you everyone!!

i had a WIP reunion last night/ soooo, nice to see and hang out with the ladies/ and then we sold boooks at the Sarah Dunant event/ i LOVE selling books/ i wish it could be my job/job....ahhhhhhh, money/ maybe in t.o/ but i dunno, i dunno ohhhhh... t.o, t.o...just go/ just go/ ok/ this turning into a Dr. Suess post... so, i think i'll leave it at that.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Leslie Feinberg

Last night I went to see Leslie Feinberg give a lecture at VPL. I can't think of a better way to spend my last evening as a 27 year old. I feel blessed to have been able to be a part of listening to such a powerful, dedicated individual. Years ago when I first read Leslie's novel Stone Butch Blues it gave me a feeling of a sense of place in the community as a non-butch, but not really femme but a queer dyke,lesbian. Stone Butch Blues is an incredibly important piece of history and I think it should be required reading in all classrooms. Leslie has also written Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman, and Transliberation: Beyond Pink and Blue. Leslie is a national leader of the Worker's World Party and the founder of Rainbow Flags for Mumia. Leslie is an activist who works to forge bonds between the Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans communities.

Instead of me blabbing on and on... Endlessly, I urge everyone who has come across this post to visit Leslie's website and spend some time there... Thanks.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

like the taste of sweet nickel in my mouth i saw you/ i knew it would happen/ i'm actually amazed it took this long/ i hope you walked down the street and remembered what i felt like in your hands/ i know i did/ i wonder if you put two and too much together/ i wonder if you'll come/ your voice/ beautiful/ let's not lie/ i would LOVE to see you again/ blahblahblahblahblahblah/ but...

your not as hot as i remember... and the power is back, but i'll gladly share it with you if you like.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

boing, boing, bonk, clang, bang, bonk...

upupupupupup... vivid dreams last night/ i had the most beautiful bedroom it was sort of outside and in the middle of this bamboo like structure and the sun was coming in... and i had a bulldog!!!!! naaaaamed... no, she didn't have a name... if i stay i'm getting a dog. period.

now that my show is up i have the ability to see it for what it is/ i still don't know the answer to that/ what. it. is... i hope we get better houses this week tho i'm not holding my breath/ and the actor in me is squirmy/ ever since opening night she's like begging to be let out/ i'll have to find a way to satisfy the craving/
i'm much, much looking forward to saturday/ it's been waaayyyy too long since i've spent time with the gals/ way to long/ and they will get to meet l.../ 28/ i've always held this idea that 28 is going to be a wicked year/ 28/ there is something about the number 28/ maybe cause its even... i don't know/ even things out/ time for change/ i will be moving to toronto in july... its time/ if i don't try i will never know and i will never be satisfied and i'm not gonna waver anymore i have to claim it i have to say THIS IS WHAT I WANT/ unless, some catastrophe occurs like a job worth staying for or love... love... love... l and i are having a Valentines Day revolt dinner... the national day of VDR.

i still want my bulldog.

Friday, February 03, 2006

i think i had a glimpse of why i do what i do and why, my real love, my only true love is the theatre/ last night i remembered/ the house was full so i had to 'listen' from the dressing room with my ear pushed against the dressing room door/ this was a blessing/ first to have a stuffed house and second to be backstage during performance/ the energy that the theatre exudes/ when the elements come together/ is magic/ it doesn't even matter what the final product is/ the theatre creates the magic on its own as a seperate entity/ it just is what it is... and that is a glorious thing/ Hamlet, said it best: as 'twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue, her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of time his form and pressure'./ the actor in me screamed/ she wanted out/ out/ out...