i dont really have much to say but i havent written in a while and kinda feel like it as i sit at my desk at work listening to an older man with very limited english try to comprehend the gown its pretty funny like even if they are x raying their ass they put on the wrong gown it provides me with endless amusement/ i have almost finished the new inga muscio book Autobiography of a Blue Eyed Devil i am enjoying it tho i am ready for it to be done i am craving a fictive read/ i am about to get my period so am a bit grrrrrrrrr and i feel like a small hippo but thats ok cause hippos are cute hungry hungry hippos I LOVED THAT GAME!!/ we had such better games when i was a kid then we do now ummmmmmmmmm, candyland, snakes and ladders, SORRY!, operation( that one where u have to operate on the little dude and when your metal thing hits the side it makes this awfull BUZZZZZZZZZZ... sound and his red nose lights up) that was great/ ok/ bye.
Friday, September 30, 2005
i dont really have much to say but i havent written in a while and kinda feel like it as i sit at my desk at work listening to an older man with very limited english try to comprehend the gown its pretty funny like even if they are x raying their ass they put on the wrong gown it provides me with endless amusement/ i have almost finished the new inga muscio book Autobiography of a Blue Eyed Devil i am enjoying it tho i am ready for it to be done i am craving a fictive read/ i am about to get my period so am a bit grrrrrrrrr and i feel like a small hippo but thats ok cause hippos are cute hungry hungry hippos I LOVED THAT GAME!!/ we had such better games when i was a kid then we do now ummmmmmmmmm, candyland, snakes and ladders, SORRY!, operation( that one where u have to operate on the little dude and when your metal thing hits the side it makes this awfull BUZZZZZZZZZZ... sound and his red nose lights up) that was great/ ok/ bye.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Standing up...
I realized this morning that I shouldn't assume that everyone knows about Matt Shepard or The Laramie Project.
In 1998 Matthew Shepard a young university student in the town of Laramie Wyoming was beaten and tied to a fence and left to die. Because he was gay. Two men from the town were arrested and convicted of his murder. Matt's murder became a catalyst for debate around gay rights in the town of Laramie as well as throughout the states.
Several years later playwright Moises Kaufman and his theatre company visited Laramie and interviewed hundreds of people from the town and created The Laramie Project. Since its publication The Laramie Project has been produced in more than 1,500 high schools across BC and throughout the states. Not only does it provide a very important message it is also a wonderful play. It is funny and fleshed with fantastic playable characters. Moises Kaufman and his team have created a very good play.
I believe that The Laramie Project should be done over and over and over and over again until its message is heard. Until young queer people everywhere are not afraid to go to school in the morning and are not afraid to go out to the bar at night with their friends. Feeling safe in your community is a basic human right.
soooooooooooo, y'all know how I feel. Please if you feel so inclined drop a line or 500 to the surrey school board district and let them know that this is not acceptable and that Matthew Shepard and other victims of hate motivated crimes deserve more.
Mr. Doug Strachan
Mr. Mike McKay
superintendent Surrey School Board District
604- 5967733 X 469
Thursday, September 22, 2005
letter to the province and the surrey school board district...
Dear Mr McKay,
I am appalled at the Surrey School Boards decision to axe production of a very important play. Producing plays like The Laramie Project allow children and youth to come together with teachers and parents to discuss issues like homophobia and hate motivated crimes. This can only be a positive thing. Shame on you Mr McKay for taking this opportunity away from these students and their families. Yes, hate is a mature subject matter but that doesn't give you the right to ignore it, as it is very alive in our schools and communities today. What kind of a message does this send the LBGT students at Elgin Park Secondary? This decision is HOMOPHOBIC. I ask you to please be brave and reconsider your decision and let Matt Shepards voice and those of other victims of hate motivated crimes be heard.
Yours Sincerely,
Carol Hodge
Vancouver, BC
Sunday, September 18, 2005
a little bit of kinnie...
i resolve to find the truth speak words that carry/i resolve to find the truth speak words that free me/ and then my legs can move freely and the world doesn't bowl me over/ then i'm grown enough to see i'm 24... even more/ knocked down my share of doors/ ripped up my share of floors/ and now i've begun to/ i have begun to soar/ you see i was stuck but i got such good luck that i stepped the fuck out the frying pan/ see i'm a good cook, right man?/ chili peppers yeah i'll take em/ juicy birds alright i'll bake em/ make up a soup, yum yum so we all can move along move along like culture/ whats done is done, goodbye congestion/ now i've got just one simple suggestion: FORSAKE THE ANSWER RENAME THE QUESTION/ what lies deep enough not to be mentioned should be brought to the top to be spoken/ even though you may have been real heart broken/ feel like your brain and your bloods been soaking in a pool of regret/ you just haven't gone for your truth yet. right?
~ Kinnie Starr
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
soooooooo it was the last day of WIP on sunday an emotional farewell had by all and now here i sit at my office job very strange transition i am trying to figure out how women do this for years and years on end/finding myself working alone with one man inside of together with three women THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE the shirt that louise and carol gave me i have wanted one for a long time yeahhhhh.... we went for a wonderful dinner so nice to hang out with them outside of the store they are such fantastic company/i am glad to be around this month so we can have a gradual decline together/it was clear how much the store will be missed in the community so many people came in to express there disappointment/to little to late unfortunately/perhaps i am getting used to the early rising hour or maybe it is the strong americano by my side/saw a t.v thing on Carol Shields this morning on the news/she was lost in a maze/i have always wanted to go and find my way through a maze i think it would be fruitful/good acting exercise i think... maybe i'll get my actors to do something in a maze mnmnmmm...gotta look at the object exercise again... much looking forward to delving into this project its so nice to have such wonderful committed actors in such a small company and the time we have is a gift so we have the ability to truly explore and i love these plays so i am really excited.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Always wanted to be commander and chief of my one woman army
still getting used to getting up with the sun this morning its really nice cause there's wisps of pink in the sky/ its gonna be rough in the winter when its still dark when i get up/ its fall now and thats always a quiet revolution time for change even the colors say it orange rust chocolate brown deep pppppurple like a dragon kids back at school and 3:30 bells kinda like a personal new year/ i have never been one for re-so-lu-tions so how about a REVOLUTION/ me, myself and i/ last night on the line i used the word retirement and he said interesting choice of words my friend and then i looked it up: to withdraw for privacy.
perfect/crumpled leaves under feet and kicking chestnuts/time change/leaves drop as we fallfallfall
and i am happy
Monday, September 05, 2005
I would wear a cardigan and wrestle for you,
spoon you in your sleep.
would you come and visit me?
from where you are
appear naked and freezing
we could find you some clothes, pillage some old ladies clothes line
I too would keep a list from you
and check the dates off one by one
and be sad when I know there are only three left
until I have to wait two whole years to see you again
wait two whole years until I can touch your face again and kiss the mole that sits on your throat
where are you coming from?
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I could have learned to keep my mouth shut. For a minority community I would have thought I could be free to communicate and talk with people; about feelings, thoughts, prospects, desires. But no, I see that that is not possible. What is it? Is it that we feel so inadequate that we have to punish others on our daily travels I am tired of saying its ok it wasn't malicious fuck that people have to take some responsibility for there actions. Myself included. It took along time for me to open up and now I think it is better to just stay quiet because u never know who you are communicating with. Trust no one. It makes me very sad.( I don't really feel that way) I have always said I wear my heart on my sleeve I think I will just wear longer sleeves more often, ahhh my sweet, good thing summer is over. Meet inclined to repulsive drama like behavior. This. I will stifle my yearning for u because it is never any good, bratfilled candy coated apples. and its not even a yearning anymore.
I yearn for another now.
you ..... Know.... Who.... U.... Are. Thank you
Friday, September 02, 2005
The Interrogation of the Man of Many Hearts
Who's she,
that one in your arms?
she's the one I carried my bones to
and built a house that was just a cot
and built a life that was over an hour
and built a castle where no one lives
and built, in the end, a song
to go with ceremony.
A man of many hearts?
why then do you tremble at my doorway?
A man of many hearts does not need me.
I'm caught in the dye of her.
I have allowed you to catch me red-handed,
catch me with my wild oats in a wild clock
for my mare, my dove and my own clean body.
The love of the woman is in the song.
I called her the woman in red.
I called her the girl in pink.
but she was ten colors
and ten women.
I could hardly name her.