i dont really have much to say but i havent written in a while and kinda feel like it as i sit at my desk at work listening to an older man with very limited english try to comprehend the gown its pretty funny like even if they are x raying their ass they put on the wrong gown it provides me with endless amusement/ i have almost finished the new inga muscio book Autobiography of a Blue Eyed Devil i am enjoying it tho i am ready for it to be done i am craving a fictive read/ i am about to get my period so am a bit grrrrrrrrr and i feel like a small hippo but thats ok cause hippos are cute hungry hungry hippos I LOVED THAT GAME!!/ we had such better games when i was a kid then we do now ummmmmmmmmm, candyland, snakes and ladders, SORRY!, operation( that one where u have to operate on the little dude and when your metal thing hits the side it makes this awfull BUZZZZZZZZZZ... sound and his red nose lights up) that was great/ ok/ bye.